Adventure Christian School


Adventure Christian School integrates Biblical truth into all subject areas

One of ACS’s goals is to have students gain a solid foundation of subject matter as well as strong moral values and positive character qualities grounded in Biblical truth. ACS has developed a program focused on providing a loving, encouraging, and academically strong environment for its elementary grade levels. Class sizes are limited to 25 students with teacher aides providing assistance. This, along with our qualified, credentialed staff and comprehensive curriculum, provide an excellent environment for students to attain their greatest potential.


ACS views parents as partners in the educational process. An all school weekly newsletter is sent to parents every weekend in addition to teacher newsletters sent home each Monday sharing specific learning and instruction details for the grade level. Parents are encouraged to be involved in their children’s education by volunteering in the classroom and engaging in school activities with the Adventure Parent Connection (APC). 

Because ACS is a private Christian school, students are taught Biblical principles and are encouraged to grow spiritually throughout the school day. Students learn patriotism and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Students pray, recite the pledge to the Christian flag and to the Bible. ACS uses Christian based curriculum in most subject areas. The curriculum is designed to develop the whole student academically, socially, spiritually and physically.


The elementary curriculum covers not only core subjects, but also enrichment programs and activities. ACS partners with Renaissance and implements Accelerated Reader and Star Testing to enhance the reading curriculum. Grade level benchmarks have been developed and implemented that exceed state standards. Adventure Christian School has a tradition of academic excellence and the need to adequately prepare our students for success in the future. With that in mind, ACS’s curriculum is evaluated in light of current state standards (Common Core) to ensure that students are well prepared with critical thinking skills.


Young Adventurers (3 Year Old Program)  //  Pre-Kindergarten (4 Year Old Program)


 Transitional Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Curriculum: Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten

Curriculum: 1st - 3rd Grade

Curriculum: 4th - 5th Grade

Middle School

6th – 8th Grades

High School

9th – 10th Grades

Independent Studies

6th – 10th Grades

Frequently Asked Questions